Scare quotes are often used to signal that a term is being used in an unusual or ironic way, that it is borrowed from someone else, or that the writer is skeptical towards the term.While scare quotes have their uses in academic writing – for example, when referring to controversial or contested terms – they are best avoided wherever possible. Gebe ich nun eine ganze Zahl ein dann wird diese mit den Nachkommastellen ergänzt, will der Benutzer nun eine Kommazahl eingeben steht das Komma schon drin und er hat ein zweites Komma in der Textbox. Double quotation marks can also be acceptable in UK English, provided you are consistent throughout the text. your coworkers to find and share information.
It doesnt work as expected. If I do a ctrl F to find a comma it doesnt return any … Is it possible since the formula and the vb script did not remove anything, that there are other characters or invisible characters that are causing the comma to be invisible or appear to not be a comma? Inappropriate use of scare quotes can create ambiguity in your writing.In these examples, the words within scare quotes are widely accepted terms with clear meanings that can’t be attributed to a specific person or source. I've written a function to convert this input to letters (CENTOVENTITRE/45, in italian of course) but it does work only if I use the comma. How to Remove Double quote and comma in a string. By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Betrifft: Umwandlung Double -> Text von: Christian Geschrieben am: 13.10.2005 13:48:45 Hallo liebe Community! Below a sample of data.
Play around with the culture and you will get the result you need. Quotation marks (also known as speech marks, quotes or inverted commas) are used to set off direct speech and quotations.In academic writing, you need to use quotation marks when you Whenever you quote someone else’s words, it is essential to introduce the quotation and integrate it into your own text – don’t rely on quotations to make your points for you.There are two types of quotation marks: ‘single’ and “double”. 2 solutions. In the example text above, the double occurs both at the end of the "UPC:782113718811 ,, Height" and "1 year ,, Type". Posted 15-Jul-12 23:18pm. as decimal point you must not only replace one with the other, but also make sure the Culture used parsing interprets it as a decimal point.I have had the very same problem. Mit ihr wird etwas gerechnet und schlussendlich möchte ich gern mit einer IF-Abfrage erreichen, dass wenn "Minuten 30" gilt, vor Minuten eine Null vorangestellt wird und dies vom Variablentyp Text … on all systems ..." is far beyond my span of control.For non winforms apps use: var currDecSeparator = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.NumberFormat.NumberDecimalSeparator;This does not work when you use '.' Rate this: Please Sign up or sign in to vote. For two decimal places use pattern „0.00“. See more: C#. Here is my code, can someone please help me with the correct code. There is no single solution for all cultures, you have to first detect which culture is in use and then choose algorithm accordingly.I tried this solution on few PCs with different culture settings. You can use static method String.Format or instance methods double.ToString and float.ToString. Try your Substitute looking for Char(130). Use AND(test, test, test, test) or OR(test, test, test, ...) as the logical_test argument of IF. There can also be strings in the array which are no double values at all.The result has to be: "hello" , "0.12", "0.12" but it is "hello", "123.00", "0.12" will treat the comma in the wrong way. Double quotation marks can also be acceptable in UK English, provided you are consistent throughout the text. "Works for me" is not very descriptive. Does anyone have a simple and efficient solution for this?To treat both , and . CurrentCulture parameter is German there. I use a German culture where the comma distinguish the fractions, where as elsewhere the dot does the job.Here I made a complete example to make the difference clear. Importing csv Text file with comma and double quote Posted 05-15-2019 11:18 AM (2299 views) Hi All, I tried to import data from a csv text file and failed to import successfully. JavaScript is disabled. Stack Overflow works best with JavaScript enabled Maybe later will doMaybe you can explain a bit what you are doing. I am trying to write a function which basically converts an array of strings to an array of strings where all the doubles in the array are rounded to the number of decimalplaces i set. Add a Solution. When your quotations are nested (i.e. Need to update code. I decided to scratch the data and begin over. 56,72,123454,x,y,"foo,a,b,bar" Note: I show the above line just as an example. The problem is that you (or the system) cannot distinguish a decimal separator from a thousands separator when they can be both a comma or dot. It's a comma look alike. The double commas are what I would like to remove. APA stylerequires double quotations.