These are fields you might commonly want to override with Bamboo build-time variables (particularly the project version). Bamboo's sonar plugin seems to solve this problem, but it is a fee, I want to ask if there are other Ways to solve the incremental check sonar problem? Oh my! After install & setup, you can add task such like a "Sonar Maven 3" to your Bamboo Job. Oh my! If you're analysing a Java project, then it's almost certain to be run via Maven or Gradle, so you would be using one of those tasks! Bamboo already has a concept of remote Agent "capabilities" which includes a "Sonar Runner" capability. While you are right that the path to the executable could also be taken from the capabilities of the associated local / remote agent, it is convenient if you can create the capability from the task itself and don't need to go to the executables section of your Bamboo administration page. The good news is that the issues I cited below are now all fixed, and the Runner task can now directly replace the equivalent task from the old Marvelution plugin (which means I can get rid of that old plugin finally!). While you are right that the path to the executable could also be taken from the capabilities of the associated local / remote agent, it is convenient if you can create the capability from the task itself and don't need to go to the executables section of your Bamboo administration page.

","stars":4,"flags":[],"reviewFlags":[],"flagged":false,"links":[{"href":"/rest/1.0/plugins/ch.mibex.bamboo.sonar4bamboo/reviews/1950813","rel":"self"},{"href":"/apps/1212756/sonar-for-bamboo?tab=reviews","rel":"alternate"},{"href":"/apps/1212756/sonar-for-bamboo?tab=overview","rel":"plugin","type":"text/html"},{"href":"/rest/1.0/plugins/ch.mibex.bamboo.sonar4bamboo","rel":"plugin","type":"application/json"}],"helpfulVotes":0,"id":"1950813","date":"2020-04-28T00:09:01.433Z","totalVotes":0,"pluginName":"Sonar for Bamboo","hosting":"server"},{"author":{"name":"Hua Soon SIM [Akeles]","links":[{"href":"/rest/1.0/users/2100691","rel":"self"},{"href":"","rel":"avatar"},{"href":"/users/2100691","rel":"alternate"}],"id":2100691,"pictureUri":""},"review":"This app makes life much easier for pull request reviews.\nBy using Sonar for Bamboo, the scan results will be displayed in the PR in Bitbucket.\n#LoveIt","stars":4,"flags":[],"reviewFlags":[],"flagged":false,"links":[{"href":"/rest/1.0/plugins/ch.mibex.bamboo.sonar4bamboo/reviews/2100691","rel":"self"},{"href":"/apps/1212756/sonar-for-bamboo?tab=reviews","rel":"alternate"},{"href":"/apps/1212756/sonar-for-bamboo?tab=overview","rel":"plugin","type":"text/html"},{"href":"/rest/1.0/plugins/ch.mibex.bamboo.sonar4bamboo","rel":"plugin","type":"application/json"}],"helpfulVotes":0,"id":"2100691","date":"2020-03-12T03:48:05.811Z","totalVotes":0,"pluginName":"Sonar for Bamboo","hosting":"server"},{"author":{"name":"Sandeep Nagaraja","links":[{"href":"/rest/1.0/users/1246303","rel":"self"},{"href":"","rel":"avatar"},{"href":"/users/1246303","rel":"alternate"}],"id":1246303,"pictureUri":""},"review":"We are using this plugin for a while now and we never had any issues so far. Accordingly, I have bumped the score up to 4 stars, as I cannot now find any fault with this plugin.

The fields you have listed can also be specified in your field. But we see that it would be valuable to have them in the task configuration as well in case the values of the Sonar properties are dynamic (e.g., when sonar.projectVersion is based on a Bamboo build variable).