Long-Term Debt may consist of long-term bank borrowings, bonds, convertible bonds, etc.Total Debt represents total debt outstanding, which includes: Deferred Income Tax – Long Term Liability represents estimated deferred income tax liabilities that are expected to come due beyond one year.Deferred Income Tax represents the sum of Deferred Income Tax – Long Term Liability and Deferred Investment Tax Credit although Deferred Investment Tax Credit only has a value for utility companies.Reserves represents an estimate of liabilities that have a good probability of arising.Other Long-Term Liabilities represents non-interest-bearing long-term liabilities other than: Redeemable Convertible Preferred Stock represents convertible preferred stock that is redeemable at maturity. When a company reports its assets without segregation between current and non-current, all investments are classified as Long-Term Investments - Other.Accounts Receivable – Trade, Gross represents receivables from sales of trading assets (such as inventories) or from services provided. Glassdoor has salaries, wages, tips, bonuses, and hourly pay based upon employee reports and estimates.Know Your Worth™. If a company presents their operating lease payments in ranges instead of individual years, each range is divided out and the resulting amounts are distributed evenly across the years in the range.These values represent the amount of operating lease payments due in a specified year following the balance sheet period end date.
Sign in. Stop guessing.Understand what's truly driving the gender pay gap.How the salary history question affects pay equity.Improve your chances of receiving a raise when you ask.Asplundh Tree Expert Company pays its employees an average of $16.22 an hour. If a company presents their operating lease payments in ranges instead of individual years, each range is divided out and the resulting amounts are distributed evenly across the years in the range.Standardized Operating Lease Payments Due in Years 2 and 3 represents the summation of Standardized Operating Lease Payments Due in Year 2 and Standardized Operating Lease Payments Due in Year 3.Standardized Operating Lease Payments Due in Years 4 and 5 represents the summation of Standardized Operating Lease Payments Due in Year 4 and Standardized Operating Lease Payments Due in Year 5.Standardized Operating Lease Payments Due in Year 6 and Beyond represents Total Operating Leases, Supplemental less Standardized Operating Lease Payments Due within 1 Year, Standardized Operating Lease Payments Due in Year 2, Standardized Operating Lease Payments Due in Year 3, Standardized Operating Lease Payments Due in Year 4 and Standardized Operating Lease Payments Due in Year 5.For a more complete picture of our financial results, please review our
Income Taxes Payable is different from Deferred Income Tax – Current Liability, which is an estimated liability.Other Payables represents current payables other than Dividends Payable and Income Taxes Payable.
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The description will match the reporting terminology used by the reporting company.Treasury Shares – Preferred Issue 2 represents the number of preferred shares a company or its consolidated subsidiaries owns of the second class of stock when a company has more than one type of preferred shares. In addition to deferred revenues, companies may refer to this item as customer advances, deferred income or unearned revenue/income.Total Current Assets less Inventory represents Total Current Assets minus Total Inventory. These payables are expected to mature within one year or an operating cycle, whichever is longer. An e-mail will be sent to your address with further instructions. Upload your resume.